Have you heard of an Asian country that was completely shut off from the rest of the world?
It was not only challenging to get a visa to this country but also extremely difficult to fly there and get around as well.
But about 3 years ago, everything changed when it finally opened up to the rest of the world.
And now, tourists can visit freely and explore the uncharted territory of…
Where in the World is the “Newest Country in Asia”?
Uzbekistan is a Muslim country in Central Asia, that is on the ancient Silk Road. It has a population of 30 million people living peacefully and in unity.
But what’s most astounding about this hidden nation is, there are Jews and Muslims praying alongside each other in peace. Both ethnic groups live together in Uzbekistan as one family. The Jews and the Muslims are all accepted and loved by one another.
Uzbekistan is probably the only country in the world that has Mosques, Jewish synagogues, and cemeteries right next to each other. In fact, there are many Jewish cemeteries that are run by Muslims.
Beauty Lies Within!
Uzbekistan is home to some of the most beautiful mosques in the world. In Samarkand and Bukhara, you can witness architecture that is so detailed, so grand and so eye-catching that you may wonder how someone actually built it 600 years ago.
Samarkand is an ancient city that was once on the Silk Road. It is the second-largest city in Uzbekistan and one of the oldest inhabited cities on the planet. Samarkand is not only beautiful but also full of architectural wonders that are Instagram-worthy.
Food Talk!
In Uzbekistan, the food is very BIG! They build the biggest frying pans in Asia, so unlike people in any other country, they do not cook a meal or two at once, instead, they cook a ton or two of food at a time to make their own version of street food which is known as Plov.
Plov is the symbol of Uzbek’s food and is the country’s most beloved dish. Plav is a hearty meal made from rice, deep-fried meat, and vegetables. It is stated that traditionally, only men can cook a genuine plov.
So as you can see, although Uzbekistan is just opening up to the world, there is so much to explore in this unique country. In the last 3 years, only 30,000 Americans and 10,000 Emiratis saw this hidden gem. This is why the people of Uzbekistan want tourists to visit their beautiful nation.
There are many challenges facing this new country of Uzbekistan. It needs better roads, better internet, and better infrastructure. However, there is still so much for you to see in Uzbekistan. Whether you are visiting the yurts in the middle of nowhere or you accidentally walk into a local celebration, the people of Uzbekistan will always welcome you with open arms.
If Uzbekistan can teach us one thing it would be that tolerance, beauty, culture, and identity CAN exist together in peace.